About Travelships
The PharmSci 360 Travelship Program supports the presentation of exciting, data-driven science at PharmSci 360. Each year, AAPS issues a limited number of $1,000 travelships to student and post-doc AAPS members who submitted abstracts during the spring Call for Abstracts.
Recipients are selected based on their membership status and the score the abstract received from an anonymous panel of screeners. Applicants must be a presenting author to be considered for an AAPS Travelship. Participants in the Late Breaking Abstract Program are not eligible for travelships.
AAPS Travelships are not based on need, volunteering experience, or other factors. AAPS will not consider any additional information. Do not send AAPS a curriculum vitae/resume, letter of endorsement, or other material -- it will be deleted without review.
The AAPS Travelship program is not related to the AAPS Best Abstract Award or the AAPS Best Poster Award. Receiving either of these honors does not guarantee a travelship.
Travelships are non-transferable. If a presenting author is unable to accept the travelship or present the abstract, AAPS will withdraw the offer.
AAPS travelship decisions are final. The association will not change a determination based on a statement of need, a letter of endorsement, or other unsolicited materials.
Email davisj@aaps.org with questions about the travelship program.
How to Apply for an AAPS Travelship
- Only presenting authors are considered for travelships.
- Applicants must be student or post-doc members of AAPS before submitting their abstract for consideration. Join AAPS now. Please note: AAPS will not refund membership fees to authors who fail to receive an AAPS Travelship.
- Submit a data-driven abstract that meets AAPS’ requirements as described in the Call for Poster Abstracts by the early abstract submission deadline. Participants in the Late Breaking Abstract Program are not eligible for travelships.
- Check “yes” during the abstract submission process to be considered for a travelship.
Participants in the Late Breaking Abstract Program are not eligible for travelships.
How Abstracts Are Evaluated
A panel of 3 or more volunteer scientists who work in the abstract’s scientific area will score the abstract in a double-blind review process. They will evaluate the abstract using these four questions:
- Is the conclusion of the poster data-driven?
- Will viewers find this poster novel or exciting?
- Does this poster incrementally advance its field?
- Does the author’s selected strategy for evaluating the hypothesis suit the project?
When Will Applicants Be Notified
Hundreds of volunteers will screen hundreds of abstracts in preparation for PharmSci 360. Authors who checked “yes” to be considered for a travelship will receive notification of their status before the author registration deadline identified in the Call for Poster Abstracts.
What Costs Does a Travelship Pay For
Travelships are meant to defray, but not completely cover, the cost of airfare and hotel for authors whose posters are selected for the program.
Please note: AAPS will not reimburse authors for unqualified expenses, even if the total reimbursable amount for qualified expenses is less than $1,000. AAPS offers reimbursement up to $1,000 for each selected author, which may be applied only to the following expenses.
AAPS reimburses travelship recipients for a standard hotel room at one of AAPS’ approved event hotels over the conference dates. Should an individual eligible for lodging reimbursement not stay within AAPS’ hotel block, regardless of price, the individual will forfeit lodging reimbursement.
AAPS will only cover room rate and taxes for a standard room. Upgrades or reservations made with hotel points will not be reimbursed. Individuals will be responsible for any incidentals or additional room nights.
AAPS reimburses:
- Coach airfare to/from the meeting location
- Fees for one checked bag
All airfares must be purchased no later than three weeks before the event date. Individuals will not be reimbursed for flights booked with reward points.
If airfare is not the most efficient or economic mode of transportation, AAPS reimburses for one of the following expenses in lieu of airfare:
- Coach train fare to/from the meeting location
- Current usual and customary per mile IRS published rate for personal auto
Expenses Not Eligible for Reimbursement
- Meals/beverages
- Fee for 2nd checked bag
- Airline seat selection or upgrade fees
- All ground transportation fees including taxis/ride service providers
- Mileage (unless the primary means of travel to the conference is a personal vehicle)
- Parking
- Hotel incidentals such as laundry, movies, internet, and telephone
- Rental cars
- Tips
- Conference registration fees
- AAPS membership dues
Travel Expense Reimbursement
AAPS staff will distribute a travel expense reimbursement form to travelship recipients before the event.
- All reimbursement forms must be submitted to AAPS within 2 weeks of the event’s concluding date. If an individual fails to submit within 2 weeks, they will forfeit reimbursement.
- Receipts are required for all authorized expenses to be reimbursed. Hotel booking confirmations are not accepted as receipts.
- Reimbursement checks and wire transfers will be processed within 2 weeks of submission.
- No reimbursements will be processed before the event.