Awards General Requirements
The following requirements apply to all awards.
All award nominations are submitted electronically as directed by AAPS at Nominations submitted by other means will be rejected without review.
AAPS strongly recommends contacting AAPS at well in advance of any deadline for clarification about a particular award’s requirements. AAPS will not grant waivers for applications that are incomplete or incorrect because of a misunderstanding on the part of the applicant.
Completed nomination packages as described under each specific award must be received by AAPS by published deadlines. Nomination packages must be submitted online to AAPS using the designated awards website. Incomplete packages, or packages submitted after published deadlines, will be rejected without review by AAPS.
Selection committees will only consider qualified nominees with complete nomination packages. AAPS staff vet each nomination package against the stated requirements for the award before releasing it to a selection committee. Packages that do not meet the qualifications for nomination or that are incomplete are rejected.
Candidates will only be considered for one enterprise-level award during a given awards cycle. If multiple nomination packages are received, the candidate will be asked to select only one award for which they will be considered.
All candidates must submit a completed AAPS Professional Conduct Disclosure Form with their nomination package. Candidates and nominees must disclose matters that are resolved as well as matters that are still pending. Self-disclosure does not mean automatic disqualification of the candidate or nominee. However, each disclosure will receive a confidential review and follow-up discussion if there are areas of concern. See Professional Conduct Disclosure Form to review the form.
Whenever possible, award packages receive a blinded review. For example, author information is hidden during the screening of poster abstracts to ensure an impartial evaluation.
Volunteers sitting on a selection committee must declare any conflict of interest to the AAPS Awards Committee Chair and be recused. A conflict of interest exists if the volunteer leader has a relationship with the candidate, or an otherwise collecting situation, such as sharing a supervisor. The volunteer must also be recused if their relationship to a nominee would cause the average member to assume there was a conflict of interest.
Recusal is not optional. Recusal means the volunteer holding the conflict cannot:
- Comment on the candidate during deliberations
- Vote, or otherwise help in the selection of the recipient
AAPS may replace the recused committee member with a new volunteer to ensure a robust and unbiased process.
Volunteers serving on the AAPS Awards Committee may not participate in the development of any nomination packages. This includes writing endorsement letters, reviewing drafts of packages, or any other activities that would contribute to a nomination package.
AAPS Board of Directors Members may not participate in the development of any nomination packages (e.g., writing endorsement letters and reviewing drafts of packages). The AAPS Board of Directors approves all recipients and is involved in the appeals process for decisions, and so cannot participate in the nomination process in any way.
Board members who were involved in a nomination before taking a seat on the Board must declare their conflict to the AAPS President and be recused from participation in any business related to that award.
AAPS Board of Directors members may not serve on any selection committee or otherwise participate in the initial screening and selection of recipients.
With the help of AAPS staff, the AAPS Awards Chair, or the Chair’s designate on a particular selection committee, will document the decision about each candidate. The documentation will be used in notifications to both successful and unsuccessful candidates.
With the help of AAPS staff, the AAPS Awards Chair will forward a slate of recommended recipients to the Board of Directors for final approval. It will be accompanied by a report summarizing the recipient selection rationale, and comparing the recipients’ demographics to the demographics of the organization.
With the help of AAPS staff, the AAPS Awards Chair will notify all candidates of the decisions on their nominations. Notification will include information about why a package was accepted or rejected, as appropriate.
Although every effort is made to ensure each award is presented annually, AAPS is not required to present awards for a given category in any given year. Should no qualified candidates be selected for an award, it will not be presented in that year.