Q: What types of programming can I submit?
Scientific Symposium Presentation: A submitter can propose one 20- 30-minute presentation for inclusion in the program or submit multiple presentations that when combined form a session. The Scientific Programming Committee (SPC) will select and assemble submissions for the program. All speakers are subject to approval by the SPC.
Rapid Fire Presentation: A 10-minute presentation that is followed by 3 minutes of Q&A on the latest scientific topics. New research, insights, and ideas are especially appropriate for this program.
Q: When are programming submissions due?
Proposals for Symposia, and Rapid Fires are due February 4, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET.
Q: What information do I need to submit with each proposal?
Presentation Title: A submission must have a short, specific presentation title (containing no abbreviations) that indicates the nature of the presentation.
Scientific Tracks: All submissions must align to a specific track. Proposals that do not relate directly to a track will not be considered.
Gap Analysis: What gap in pharmaceutical scientists' knowledge does this program fill? Why do you believe there is a gap? Not required for rapid fire submissions.
(max 500 words)
Target Audience: Who will benefit most from attending this session? (max 250 words)
Presentation Description: A brief description of what would be covered in this talk. (max 500 words)
Learning Objectives: Complete the sentence, “Upon completion, participant will be able to….” When writing learning objectives. Use action words to begin each objective, such as list, describe, define, demonstrate, conduct, etc.
Three learning objectives are required for Symposia presentations. One learning objective is required for Rapid Fires.
Proposed Speaker(s): First Name, Last Name, Email, Affiliation, and Job Title are required fields.
Q: What are the two tracks around which SSF is organized?
- Bioanalytical
- Pharmaceutical Analysis
Q: How do I withdraw my proposal?
If you have submitted a proposal but would like to withdraw, log into the submission site, click on your session, and select “Edit Session.” You may then use the dropdown to change the submission status to “Withdrawn.” All withdrawals must be completed by the submission deadline. Proposals that are not withdrawn will be reviewed.
Q: When will submitters be notified regarding acceptance/rejection?
Submitters will be notified in late February 2025. If you submitted a session idea and have not received an accept/reject by that time, contact meetings@aaps.org.
You do not have to be a member to submit a proposal. Non-members may create accounts without joining in order to submit a proposal.
If you do not have an account with AAPS, click “Create Account” under the New Users tab. Once you create an account, you may be taken to the Communities Page, depending on how you entered the account-creation process. Return to https://www.abstractscorecard.com/cfp/submit/login.asp?EventKey=JEVWODRP and sign in under Existing User with your new username and password to begin your submission.